Archive for ‘kitchen design’

July 22, 2011

The Joy of New Cabinets

Thinking about a new kitchen? Low on cash? Well, we have the answer to all your problems. You can have your dream kitchen for half the price! Imagine our truck pulling into your driveway loaded with your new beautiful kitchen cabinets. Think about the fun you can have designing your own kitchen, the enjoyment and pleasure it can bring. The sense of accomplishment you feel when you have finished the remodeling of your kitchen.

We can help you design the kitchen you have always dreamed of. We have several colors and styles to choose from. Our cabinet doors are made of solid wood, and the drawer boxes are out of premium plywood. Our cabinets have a luxurious finish that will make your kitchen look absolutely spectacular. We have a team of designers to help you with the layout of your kitchen. There is no obligation to buy our cabinets.

For the do it yourself kind of guy we can ship the cabinets to you unassembled. You can take pride in the fact that you really did do it yourself. You can build these stunning cabinets, then install them yourself. There is not a better way to stay within your budget.

For those of you who are to busy or not mechanically inclined or just plan don’t want to, we can assemble the cabinets in our warehouse and ship them to you ready to install.

We can have your kitchen cabinets ready to be shipped to you in as little as two weeks.

So get out your screw driver and get ready because your adventure is about to begin!

June 10, 2011

Cabinets… now available in Hassle-Free!

Renovation projects can be a major hassle in anyone’s life. Having the right cabinet designer on the project will help keep the stress to a minimum. Many renovations have been know to have trouble from the start. Bad experiences have kept customers away from renovating again. Now is the time to make that change by going with Closeout Cabinets. Closeout Cabinets is the best place to go to get brilliant looking cabinets for a great price. Customers have raved at how polite and on time the employees are and how great the cabinets looked. All of the cabinets are made of solid wood and do not have particle board. Customers have appreciated how knowledgeable the drivers are when delivering the cabinets. The way the cabinets are made save on freight when delivering. Delivery will always be on time and everyone will be satisfied by every aspect of the company. All cabinets that will be put in are quality and their will be no discrepancies. They are willing to help you in all aspects of your renovation project. Closeout Cabinets is functional and affordable. Many customer’s have compared Close0ut Cabinets to other design companies and always come back to Close0ut Cabinets. The quality is first class in all aspects. There is also quick turnaround time with Close0ut Cabinets and pricing is lower than all other competitors. For great quality and customer service Close0ut Cabinets is the place to go!

May 25, 2011

Why It’s Important to Have A Family-Friendly Kitchen

Your kitchen is the one room in your home that is open to all, any time of day. Every member of the family uses the kitchen and not just for cooking or eating. The kitchen may be a place where homework or school projects are accomplished or a place we invite our friends to share. Whatever activities your kitchen is used for, the breadth of its purpose dictates that all should feel comfortable and welcome there.

Striving to make your kitchen a family-friendly space need not be expensive or elaborate. A few simple changes can make the difference between a welcoming kitchen that can be effectively used by the entire family or a space to be avoided at all costs!

Making space in your kitchen for everything that goes on there may be the biggest challenge that most of us face. Eliminating kitchen clutter and having plenty of storage for useful items, as well as creating plenty of surfaces on which to work or play is a fundamental feature of a cozy kitchen. Appropriate heights for work surfaces allow both children and adults to accomplish tasks comfortably and simultaneously. A flowing design that allows for easy access to foods, utensils and cleaning areas helps everyone contribute.

Your kitchen is the perfect place to display the artistic creations of family members. Refrigerator magnets, family photos and memorabilia can make your kitchen decor more family-friendly and inclusive. A bright kitchen space with contrasting color schemes makes a dynamic and inviting place to share family time.